Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A Pop of Red....it's the holiday season!


I love this scarf!!!  It's sold out almost everywhere so most sellers raised the prices to something astronomical.  I came close to opening my wallet and punching in my credit card number....or even worse, signing into pay pal - one click and that scarf would be mine, all mine!  After clearing my head, I signed into eBay and purchased it for the very affordable price of $12.99 - then waited almost two months for it to ship from China, ha!
I'm still learning how to wear it around without it feeling like a neck brace.  Does anyone else feel a little restricted with their head movements?  It's especially difficult to drive in - When I need to merge right, I try to turn my head, but my whole body moves instead, which also pulls my car to the right - watch out on those Columbus highways, people! Sooo, that's dangerous...
Moving on..... Being the holiday season, I wanted to keep it neutral but play on the red in the scarf.  I wore this cream sweater and paired it with olive jeans which also match the scarf.  Add my favorite brown booties with the glitz and the glam on the heel and a red winter headband and red lips to complete the look!
Scarf - eBay
Sweater - H&M
Pants - Marshall's
Booties - DSW
Headband - Forever 21

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