Saturday, July 19, 2014

Island Girl - Martha's Vineyard

It's been almost a month since Martha's Vineyard.  Can I please go back to being this tan again?  The weather in Ohio is not reliable.  However, at the Vineyard, we had sunshine each day!  Relaxing on the beach was on the agenda every day so, another top priority was making sure I had enough swimsuits and a cover-ups.  If I’m going to be an island girl for a whole week (no make-up and beach hair), then accessorizing my swimsuit was the least that I could do to still feel like myself.

We went to the beach straight from the Chillmark Flee Market this day so these cut-off shorts, off-the-shoulder lace top, fedora, sunnies, and straw beach bag made it an easy transition from bargain shoppers to beach bums
I can proudly say that, at the end of our trip, I wore each item of clothing I packed in my suitcase..... exactly once.


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