Monday, January 4, 2016

NY Resolutions!

I've enjoyed reflecting on 2015 {with the help of social media - time hop, instagram, etc} and looking forward to what 2016 will bring! Every year, I try to set a new year resolution - something that can reinvent me!  I already work out in the mornings and read at night so things like 'going to the gym' or 'reading more' isn't really an accurate way to better myself. 
A New Year's Resolution can be fun and motivating at the same time.  I've been feeling inspired to get back into blogging after my long hiatus in 2015.  I miss the blogging world, so I'm challenging myself to get back into it in 2016!  According to Instagram, my best 9 (aka the pics with the most likes) captured 5 pics used for blogging, 2 pics from my boyfriend and I's 'band, 1 {vacation} selfie, and the trip of a lifetime to the American Music Awards in LA!  These are three hobbies that I want to strengthen in 2016: blogging, playing music, and traveling.
I need to hold myself accountable for these goals but will also look to the support and feedback from all of you!
What are your new year's resolutions?  I want to know!

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