Sunday, June 1, 2014

Open Mic Night - Round 2

(Dan Mitchell Photography)

We played at an open mic – our second show.  At the first one, we didn’t tell anybody about it except for our close friends who are really into music. We felt pretty confident after that performance so we’re more comfortable inviting all of our friends (soo, you guys should come!!! We play Wednesday's at various locations). 

Our regular fans - the friends/family who came to our last show - were busy and couldn’t attend this time.   I was worried nobody would be there to take pics - obviously, a very crucial point for an aspiring blogger!  L As a surprise, two of my besties, Amber and Lydia, showed up to support us – Amber drove from Cincinnati and surprised me to tears!  I was extremely happy that they were there (and could record some audio for us- except for the unfortunate event that I was sitting directly under the spotlight which completely washed me out). 

The bar was a Rock N Roll theme so I wore the only band shirt I own – Red Hot Chili Peppers.  I paired it with my leather leggings and a black blazer.  I added my silver pumps and silver necklace for some color.  The weather was nasty and raining so up in a bun went my hair. 
RHCP shirt - Hot Topic
Leather Leggings - Forever 21
Silver pumps - DSW
Necklace - H&M

Max just ordered a banjo and it arrived on Thursday.  Lucky me….
Stay tuned for our next set which will now feature some twangy banjo pickin’

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